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[目的/意义]旨在分析协同搜索用户在信息搜索任务过程中的交流内容与模式,从而理解协同搜索用户的关注重点与搜索过程。[研究设计/方法]基于书籍交互检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)设计实验,共招募18名被试完成两种搜索任务,通过录音记录对话并对其进行编码和分析,总结交流内容特征和模式。结合任务类型、认知类型组合、服务器记录的搜索交互行为日志以及问卷收集的搜索体验进行了探索分析。[结论/发现]从交流内容上看,协同搜索用户主要理解与评判书目信息、商讨搜索任务计划;比起认知类型不同的用户,相同认知类型的用户在操作交互方面交流更多,在评判决策方面交流较少。交流模式依据讨论内容比重可分为理解评判型、评判主导型、均衡交流型三种,评判主导型用户的任务完成满意度最高。[创新/价值]协同搜索用户的交流反映出搜索过程中需要与同伴商讨协同的焦点,也是需要系统提供协助的重点,给协同搜索系统设计提供一定参考。本研究针对协同搜索的交流内容设计的编码系统对相关的协同交流研究也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
区域性国际体育组织以其多样性和复杂性的存在,成为了国际体育活动乃至社会经济文化活动中的重要组成部分。结合区域性国际体育组织的发展历史经验和启示,对比归纳出影响此类体育组织发展的8方面因素,以此衡量构建"一带一路"沿线国家和地区体育组织的利弊条件。"一带一路"沿线国家和地区体育组织联盟的构想已具备现实基础,需要消除意识形态壁垒,打造以"一带一路"倡议为纽带的体育联盟,以由局部到整体的模式构建起"一带一路"沿线国家和地区体育组织。  相似文献   
《行政诉讼法》发布至今已有三十年的历史。三十年间,《行政诉讼法》的不断完善与发展不但在促进依法行政、依法治国方面起着重要作用,也进一步保障了公民权利。但与此同时,行政诉讼制度的落实与推进在现实中还存在着种种难题,“民告官”难的现象依然普遍存在。溯其原因,除了制度方面,还有着深刻的历史文化根源。  相似文献   
在如今纷繁复杂的文化环境中,传统武术文化环境受到威胁,武术“文化空间”正渐离大众视线,面临被现代化社会环境、生产方式所呑嘆的危机。因此,探索当下武术“文化空间”生存路径的意义重大且时间紧迫。为科学合理地保护传统武术文化,通过研究武术“文化空间”构建的具体方式,试图做好武术“文化空间”的复原、移植和开拓工作,让传统武术文化得以在现代化的新环境中如鱼得水。  相似文献   
形意拳历来以刚猛粗扩、实战性强著称,随着时代发展,形意大师布学宽提出的形意拳柔化教学思想被逐漸认同。本文从现代教育学的角度,结合形意拳自身特点及现代教育教学理论,探讨形意拳柔性思想下的教学理念,为形意拳由竞技拳转变为健身拳、文化拳的柔性思想教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
讲好中国故事、传播好中国文化是当代大学生肩负的重要使命,然而目前多数大学生在跨文化交流中还难以用英语表述中国文化。通过对河北省三市八所高校大学生的中国文化英语表达能力进行调查和测试,明确并分析大学生跨文化交际中传播中国文化的现存问题和原因,然后从文化自信的视角和学生主体出发,提出提升大学生对外文化传播能力的有效策略。  相似文献   
This study investigated understandings of national group belonging in relation to attitudes toward foreign and established outgroups in Mauritius. Representative data were collected among the three numerically largest ethno-cultural groups (Hindus, Muslims, and Creoles; Ntotal = 1770) and results confirmed a distinction between “being,” “doing,” and “feeling” Mauritian among all three groups, with some small differences for Creoles compared to Hindus and Muslims. Furthermore, “being” Mauritian was not significantly related to attitudes toward established and foreign outgroups. In contrast, the “doing” understanding was negatively associated with both attitudes, and the “feeling” understanding showed positive associations with both outgroup attitudes among all three participant groups. The findings make a novel contribution to the literature on how people understand national identity, how these understandings differ between ethno-cultural groups within a nation, and how these relate to attitudes toward foreign as well as established outgroups.  相似文献   
In culturally diverse societies, ethnic minorities are faced with the challenge of negotiating between their national and ethnic identification. Diversity ideologies address this challenge in different ways, by prioritizing national identification in the case of assimilation, and ethnic identification in the case of multiculturalism. However, existing research has highlighted the risks and drawbacks of both ideologies, presenting polyculturalism and interculturalism as new alternatives which construe identities as more complex, dynamic, and interconnected between groups. Given that little is known about these ideologies from the minority perspective, the present study investigated their endorsement among ethnic minorities, as well as associations with their ethnic and national identification in the USA. Results show that, in general, pro-diversity ideologies (multiculturalism, interculturalism, and polyculturalism) are all supported by ethnic minorities, in contrast to assimilation. Moreover, ethnic identification is associated with support for multiculturalism, national identification is associated with support for assimilation, and both are associated with polyculturalism. For interculturalism, associations with ethnic and national identification depend on its subcomponents, which seem to address and bring together the other three ideologies. Interculturalism may therefore be a promising way forward to minimize the risks of assimilation, multiculturalism, and polyculturalism, while also maximizing their benefits to minorities and societies at large.  相似文献   

According to a growing volume of academic literature on the subject, transmedia fiction and non-fiction production is now one of the main areas driving innovation in media companies, thanks to the improvements it brings in numerous interconnected fields: narrative and content, management and productive strategy, brand promotion, etc. In this context the article focuses on transmedia linked to public broadcasting companies, starting with a qualitative study based on interviews with expert professionals from thirteen corporations in Spain, one operating at the national level (RTVE) and twelve at the regional level (A Punt Media, CARTV, CCMA, CRTVG, CMM, EITB, EPRTVIB, RTVM, RTPA, RTVA, RTRM and RTVC). The results show how professionals view the concept of transmedia production, its advantages, disadvantages and the challenges it poses, which depend on these corporations’ service and relationship with audiences. As the conclusions state, the keys factors for understanding the professional transmedia strategy of public broadcasting corporations are found in the characteristics of today’s media market, which is suffering from budget cuts and growing competition.  相似文献   
Attitudes toward multiculturalism in educational contexts – i.e., multicultural attitudes – are desirable qualities for good teaching practices. Unfortunately, little is known about the antecedents of prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes. Before this backdrop, we argue that prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology, national pride, and intergroup contact are related to their multicultural attitudes. Studying these relationships can offer valuable insights for initial teacher education programs. We assessed prospective teachers’ (n = 72) multicultural attitudes (adapted version of the Teachers’ Multicultural Attitude Survey), multicultural ideology (Multicultural Ideology Scale), national pride (single item from large scale studies) and intergroup contact (experiences in multicultural classrooms and intergroup friendship). Results showed that higher multicultural ideology and lower national pride were related to more positive multicultural attitudes. We found no such relation for intergroup contact. Based on these new insights into prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes, we argue that initial teacher education programs should reinforce and develop prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology and consider the role of national pride.  相似文献   
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